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"Having met all professional and technical requirements necessary to attain Certification..."  Your RPM-Academy Certification in Agile Project Management – Scrum Master is a confirmation of your ability to facilitate Agile Scrum and associated Sprints, ensuring individuals and teams adhere to Agile values and agreed processes and practices.  Your purchase of Certification includes;

·         Online Certification exam (Agile PM body of knowledge)

·         Agile Scrum Master confirmation of experience (review, verification, acceptance)

·         Award and issuance of formal Certificate/Certification

Your purchase of Certification DOES NOT include Agile Scrum training courses (see “Certificate in Agile Project Management”).

Certification-Agile PM Scrum Master

  • In choosing to be CERTIFIED, you have or will;

    • Completed appropriate training (body of knowledge)
      Sign up for a FREE account at Lean Six Sigma Coach Online
    • Write and pass the online Certification exam (included in this purchase)
    • Provide a written summary/narrative of your Agile Scrum Master product/project experience. 

    Upon purchase, you will be contacted by the RPM-Academy Program Office to establish your path to Certification.  For more information, please contact us. 

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